Ordinary Miracles
Introduced in 2014, it has become an AI tradition for students to recollect significant moments that touched them in the year. We call it Ordinary Miracles@AI. It gives students the opportunity to express what they appreciate of the school, teachers and classmates.
Ordinary Miracles@AI could be amazing accomplishments by individuals, teams and classes. They are also cherished memories of school events like OLE, and the moment of pride winning a class competition. Or times when teachers and students are inspired by the team work and class spirit shown during inter-class games, Sports Carnival, Community Day and Green Day. More often than not, the ordinary miracles we love are the simple, ordinary things we do in our daily interactions that touch a heart, enlighten the minds and bring laughter to all. What we call - Little things with huge significance and deep impact. Frequently, students would write about the heartfelt sharing during class Circle Time, a kind gesture of care from teachers and classmates, and of course, the warm feeling of family as the class partakes in the well-loved Breakfast with Form Teachers. Ordinary Miracles@AI are about people and relationships.
So, as you browse the school website, enter our world and celebrate the ordinary miracles with us. This collection of ordinary miracles tells of who we are and what makes AI EXTRAORDINARY...
AI celebrates the Lunar New Year with residents of Nam Hong Welfare Service Society

C. B. Paul Science Quiz 2019

Four of our students participated in the 41st International C. B. Paul
Science Quiz 2019. An annual competition organised by the Anglo-Chinese
Junior College in collaboration with the Nanyang Technological University
and the National University of Singapore. The competition challenges our
students in the areas of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer
The students are self-directed and independent learners who went beyond
the school syllabus to prepare for the quiz.
Their determination and perseverance paid off, with Ang Tien Wen from
4E4 achievinging the Silver Award and Tan Hong Zhang from 4E4 has achieving
the Bronze Award. Congratulations to them!
Name |
Class |
Award |
Ang Tien Wen |
4E4 |
Silver |
Tan Hong Zhang |
4E4 |
Bronze |
Austin Q Hilario |
4E4 |
Merit |
Caleb Steven |
4E4 |
Participation |
We are awarded the Yellow Flame Award!
As part of AI's school values of care and gratitude, we have continued to focus on environmental education for our students via various learning activities, platforms and partnerships with different organisations. These whole-school efforts has resulted in the school being awarded the "Yellow Flame Award" in the annual School Green Awards audit which reflects a score of over 80%. We hope that with these continued efforts, AISS students and staff will be beacons of hope, advocating for various environmental concerns and making our world a better place to live in.
Izwan Bin Indra, 2018 Chong Pang's Next Top Speaker

Izwan Bin Indra (3E2) was declared 2018 Chong Pang's Next Top Speaker after battling with 8 other finalists. He exuded commanding stage presence and delivered his speech with conviction and flair. A pertinent speech (entitled Anti-social Social Network) wrapped in sincerity and adorned with a sprinkle of humour, it made us laugh, and it made us think. He also won the Crowd Favourite for Prepared Speech. Watch Izwan in action below.
Mercado Jose Gabriel Domingo (1E1) was the other finalist from Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary. Although he is only Secondary One, he delivered his speech with much confidence. Watch Gabriel in action below.
Bringing musical cheer to Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Instead of enjoying their post-examination holiday whilst the teachers
busied themselves with marking, Secondary Two and Three students Enhanced
Music Programme students and other AESPIRE volunteers brought lively tunes
to the TTSH Atrium through the Art of Healing Programme. The audience,
comprising staff, patients, and visitors were treated to songs of hope
and nostalgia, as well as instrumental performances on the piano and zhongruan.
Ms Ng Sheh Feng received the President's Award for Teachers

Ms Ng Sheh Feng, Subject Head Partnerships, receiving the President's Award for Teachers
from President Halimah at the Teachers' Day reception at the Istana on 29 Aug 2018
For her leadership in starting the school’s EMP and creating a vibrant music culture, Ms Ng Sheh Feng is conferred the President’s Award for Teachers. She received the award from President Halimah at yesterday’s Teachers’ Day reception at the Istana. Congratulations to Ms Ng!

Music student, Angie Than An Qi of 3N2, giving her citation to express
her gratitude to Ms Ng for inspiring her to pursue music
And Angie Than An Qi, our EMP student, had the privilege of being at Istana and reading the citation to express her gratitude to Ms Ng. Just to also share, Ms Ng was featured in Channel News Asia, the Straits Times and a radio interview by 958 城市频道.
You can access the links below and read her story.
AI emerged 1st runner up in Chinese Newspaper Editorial Competition
A total of 79 teams from 64 secondary schools took part in the Chinese Newspaper Editorial Competition this year. Two teams represented AI in this competition. The upper secondary team emerged as the 1st runner-up and the lower secondary team was awarded a commendation prize. The participants are Wong Wai Yi (3E2), Clara Koh Xinyi (3E3), Kwan Pin (3E3), Cheong Qi Yun (3E4), Chua Weng Yan (3E4), Clarise Tay Yi Bing (2E1), Weng Chenxi (2E1), Tan Qing Wen (2E2), Chew Siew Rong (2E4) and Desmond Ng Zi Jun (2E4). Thank you to all who helped to like their articles on Facebook!
Schools Partnership Programme with Singapore Armed Forces (SAF)

NCC cadets from AI participated in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) – Schools Partnership Programme (SSPP) on 5 September 2018 during the September school holidays. They visited the 16th Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence (C4I) Battalion at Mandai Hill Camp. The cadets experienced authentic National Service (NS) life. They ate the combat rations that NS men eat, tried out the signal sets used for communications and had a dialogue session with the Commanding Officer of the Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel (LTC) Debra Koh. Through the SSPP, cadets realised that school values such as resilience and excellence will also be useful in their future as a full-time National Service man.
From introvert by nature to Singapore Police Force NSF of the Year awardee

An alumni of the school SGT (NS) Hafiz Bin Mohamad Hamzah (former
NPCC cadet and student of 4E4 2013) has been awarded with Singapore Police
Force NSF of the year 2018 at one of the graduation parade of SPF yesterday
(12 July 2018).
He was featured on Strait Times and Berita Harian.
Strait Times - https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/awards-for-top-police-nsfs-at-graduation
Berita Harian - https://www.beritaharian.sg/setempat/nsf-fikir-di-luar-kotak-untuk-bantu-orang-awam
Raising funds for Japan's needy children through the Arts
AI student Kalaivani d/o Regupathy represented Singapore to perform at the ChildAid Asia Tokyo 2018, held at the Suntory Hall on 20 May 2018. This year's concert showcased performances by young talents from Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Proceeds will be used to support needy children through art workshops and international cultural events.
Says Kalaivani of her experience: "I am really grateful for being able to represent Singapore for the ChildAid Asia Tokyo. I learnt many things about the Japanese culture and many different values from the other performers that I worked with. Even though I couldn't communicate with the Japanese emcees that I worked with, I was able to get along with them easily and they were amazing to work with!"
Kalaivani was talent-identified through the school's General Music Programme into the 10Square Youth Arts Incubation Programme when she was in Secondary Two. A recipient of the Business Times' Budding Artists Fund, she has benefited from the arts training and many performance opportunities with the programme.
Congratulations, Kalaivani! We're glad you had a great experience!
Vanfled Poh - Made to be amongst the best

Vanfled Poh entered Yishun Junior College with 16 points (L1R4) and made to be amongst the best.
Appreciation from the public

Reverend Israel Selvam with our Sec 4E4 students
"Dear Principal, greetings to you!
I am writing this to appreciate the Secondary 4 students who were walking about Chong Pang today to show kindness to the society. I saw them while having my breakfast and asked them and they explained very nicely and I had a note of encouragement myself and wrote for others. Took some pictures and then saw them again and took a wefie together.
Why I did this? I know the encouragers need that touch too. I wanted to appreciate them and also appreciate yourself and the school leadership for stepping out into the society to show care and love in practical ways. I managed to see the form teacher and one other DNT teacher too and appreciated them too.
Well done Ahmad Ibrahim and I want to personally wish and bless all taking their exams this year. God bless!
Israel Selvam (Reverend)
Yishun Christian Church (Anglican)"
Appreciation from the public
"Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to show my deepest gratitude to 2 of your students Mingqian (3N1) and Guo Jie (2N2) for returning my wallet back to me.
This just happened today at 5pm, when I received a unknown call from one of the above mention girl, who told me I dropped my wallet at the bus-stop and the girls waited patiently as I rush down.
The girls have been honest and responsible in their action as a student of your school and definitely thanks to their parents who have good upbringing of their children’s.
Expressions through Sonic Alchemy
Our school was invited to perform on Friday 29 June 2018, and Sunday 1 July 2018 as part of the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Celebrations 2018 at the Padang Atrium at National Gallery Singapore. A mixture of 16 Secondary 2 and 3 students were selected and trained for the 30-minute performance, with the guidance of an industry practitioner, Mr Mervin Wong.
This experience inspired the students and aroused their curiosities to explore the possibilities in creative music making with technology. The performers acquired knowledge on the elements of live music creation and performance, forging new friendships in the process. As many students did not have any music background prior to this project, it was a truly empowering and refreshing experience for the students.
AI is proud to have partnered with Arts Education Branch for this project, and look forward to bringing to the public more talents of AI!
Championing environmental awareness through music

Lawrence Gabriel (1E2) performed as a flute soloist at Purple Symphony Concert at UCC
AI students and alumni performed in "Our Wondrous Earth", the Purple Symphony's concert presented at the University Cultural Centre on Sunday 1 July 2018. As Singapore's largest inclusive orchestra, The Purple Symphony comprises more than 100 talented musicians on western and Chinese instruments, with and without special needs, including a special choir.
VI student Lawrence Gabriel Villar Angel performed as a flute soloist in two items, while alumnae Stephanie Ow and Siti Sakinah Binte Zainal were soloists on the erhu and piano respectively. Recent alumna Nurul Natasya Binte Idrus also performed on percussion as part of the orchestra.
Congratulations to all the musicians, and we look forward to more performances by our VI friends!
Charming the crowd, Musically!
The AI Choir was invited to perform on Friday 29 June as part of the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Celebrations 2018 at the Esplanade Concourse. Spanning two weekends, SYF Celebrations brought the arts to the public – both at city areas and community spaces, with close to 210 student performances and activities in various art forms, such as music, dance and drama
In line with the theme for the segment, the AI Choir sang three songs from the Musicals to an appreciative audience. AI is proud to be a part of the SYF and look forward to bringing more performances to the public!
Green Service Club aim to to design and conduct their own AI green trail!
Sec 2-4 students from Green Service Club were guiding the public through a nature trail at Tampines Eco-Green on 2nd June 2018. Before this event, they went through days of training, practice and rehearsal with WWF and NParks. Furthermore, they also organised their own recee to find out more on what they could offer and share with the public during the Festival of Biodiversity. The students even aim to design and conduct their own AI green trail!
Our Music Teacher, Miss Sheh Feng, featured in SchoolBag: The Education News site

With a wealth of musical experience, performing across the world and working with internationally-renowned ensembles such as the Ex Cathedra choir (UK) and NOTUS (USA) to spearheading Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School’s Enhanced Music Programme, music teacher Miss Ng Sheh Feng has led many students to pursue their love for music. Needless to say, she is an accomplished music guide for many.
However, (cont...)
(Context featured from https://www.schoolbag.sg/story/hitting-the-right-music-note)
Jessica Long received the North West Outstanding All-Rounder Student Award 2018

Jessica Long of 4E4 (2018) received the North West Outstanding All-Rounder Student Award 2018 in recognition of her achievements in the following domains:
– Academic
– Leadership
– Co-curriculum
– Community Service
– Her volunteerism and involvement in caring for the environment.
Congratulations, Jessica! You are an inspiration to all of us!
AI Choir Performing at CHJIMES 2017

On 14 Mar 2017, we received a letter of compliment. It was from a member of public who attended a choir performance at CHJIMES. This is what she wrote:
"I am attending the Voices of Singapore Festival at Chijmes right now and I want to compliment the choir of Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School for not just their stellar performance but more importantly, their demonstration of love and care for one another.
I was especially touched when I witnessed a number of the students helping their fellow choir members who are visually challenged up & down the stairs and to move into position.
Kudos to the school for providing these children with an inclusive, supportive and loving environment…. My heartfelt compliments to the choir teachers and each and every choir member of Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School for showing us what love and care mean.
A Singaporean with a grateful heart,
AI received the North West Outstanding School Partner Award 2018 – Bronze Award

This award is given to schools that had participated actively in the North West CDC programmes . Since 2016, AISS has participated in programmes such as WeCare, We Recycle @ North West, WeCare @ North West, and Bright Spots @ North West.
Thank you to all who contributed, and congratulations to AI!

AI Students received commendation
"Dear Sir/Mdm,
I was driving along Chong Pang area at around 6 pm today when I saw a student from your school assisting an elderly lady pushing her trolley of cardboard and crossing the road. Her action is rather commendable especially when she herself has a stack of books in her arms. I am impressed with her good deeds and would like to commend AISS for nurturing such a good student.
Thank you.
Nurhafeza H A Azal"

AI OLE featured in SingTeach - A Classroom Without Walls

Many might think that outdoor education merely involves giving students a chance to try their hands at fun outdoor activities. However, converting an otherwise concrete classroom into one that is surrounded by the natural environment actually provide learners with more than just that. This inspired...(cont.)
(Context featured from http://singteach.nie.edu.sg/issue63-classroom01/)
AI Students received commendation
A member of the public shared with the school in the first week of Term 3, 2016:
‘I am writing in to you to express my gratitude to a group of your young students for their responsible act this afternoon.
We were all travelling in SMRT bus no. 965 at around 3pm when we saw smoke emitting from the bus along Gambas Avenue. A group of your students approached the lady driver and told her about the smoke in Mandarin. A female student then translated it to us and advised everyone to remain calm. The driver was reluctant to open the door because we were in the middle of the road and letting us off is very dangerous and may cause an accident. Your students convinced the driver and even helped her stop all oncoming traffic before letting us all alight safely to the side of the road. Their act of selflessness is truly commendable and is definitely praiseworthy.
I am sorry as I am unable to take their names down. Do convey my gratitude to them and a job well done for their act.
Thank you.’
AI featured in the news: Unseen Constellation

The art exhibition and our VI students are featured in Straits Times Life! Section, check it out - here
It’s a very meaningful experience visiting the exhibition, as it marks our students’ 2-year journey discovering about themselves and learning to express their hopes and dreams publicly.
AI Students received commendation

Peixi (2nd from right) and her teammates
It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game...
On the 18 Sep 2015, at Singapore Schools Sports Council (SSSC) Colours Award Ceremony held at CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent, the SSSC Chairman spoke at length about the spirit and values of Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary students.
Here is part of speech:
“Let me share with you about what Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School’s ‘B’ Division Basketball girls team did at the National School Games. With just a few minutes to go, Ahmad Ibrahim gained possession of the ball in a neck to neck game. As Ahmad Ibrahim was trying to advance, one of the players from the defending team tripped and fell.
Ahmad Ibrahim chose to stop play to check on the opposing player who had fallen. Ahmad Ibrahim didn’t win that game. However, their teacher was immensely proud of the values and sportsmanship that his students had exhibited. In sports, it is extremely difficult to make such a moral decision, especially when you know that the decision might cost you the game.
However, for players of Ahmad Ibrahim, we applaud their courage to stand up for what they believe was right.”
5 Oct 2015
Primary school teacher thanked AI student for returning her bag left on a bus
Helping someone without the expectation of getting something in return is important...
On the 17th of September, an Ahmad Ibrahim (AI) student found a primary school teacher’s bag that had been left on a bus and then safely returned it to the primary school.
Later, our school received an appreciation email from the primary school teacher. She expressed her heartfelt gratitude to an AISS boy who picked up her bag left on a bus and later returned it to her.
“This morning at about 7 a.m., in my hurry, I alighted from the bus without my bag. I called up Yishun bus interchange but the staff told me they did not find anything. It was not until about 3p.m. when one of your boys came to my school to return the bag. He had apparently carried it to school and kept it with him so that he could return me after school. Unfortunately, I did not manage to thank him personally for his kind gesture so I did not get his name.
I hope you would highlight this kind act performed by one of your students to the school. This is a true testament to our work in education and the important role of schools in developing concerned citizens of tomorrow:) Good job AI!”
Our Principal shared the email with the whole school at a morning assembly. The school is proud of AI students who live out the school values of care and responsibility in their actions and behaviours. The action of the AI student has certainly warmed many hearts.
28 Sep 2015
Students directing their determination and efforts to helping the environment at Sembawang Park
If we want to achieve something great, we should take the first step...

On our Community Day held on 13 Mar 2015, our students fanned out with dedication to clean up Sembawang park during their service learning.
We are heartened to receive an email from a member of the public who said “Well done, boys and girls” together with photos of our students cleaning the Sembawang Park and encouraging the residents to work together towards a clean and green Singapore.
Service Learning provides opportunity for every AI student to live out Encik Ahmad Ibrahim’s spirit of service to the community, to be a good ambassador of the school and to the community, and to demonstrate values in action.